Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Professional Organizations to Join - Senior Executive
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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Professional Organizations to Join

Advance your career as a DEI leader by joining your peers in these DEI professional organizations, networks, groups, associations, and roundtables.

by Senior Executive Media Editors on November 29, 2023


  • Professional organizations can provide resources to support companies’ DEI efforts.

  • Joining a DEI roundtable or association can help DEI leaders build their network.

  • See diversity, equality, and inclusion professional organizations recommended by DEI leaders.

Every day, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leaders across the country are mobilizing the institutions they represent to establish more inclusivity in their respective workspaces, industries, and communities — amplifying marginalized voices and dismantling systemic oppression one initiative at a time. That being said, creating a culture of inclusion isn’t a one-person job: it takes a community.

A great way for DEI professionals to expand their DEI community is to join a DEI professional organization, council, or roundtable, or attend a DEI networking event. This can create a dialogue to discuss innovative ideas and new approaches to DEI, which may look different across organizations. Additionally, DEI professional organizations are designed to provide pathways to professional development and help foster connections with fellow leaders and organizations who share the same goal: advocating for a better, more inclusive future. The value of joining these professional organizations may be integral to furthering success in your leadership roles and within your communities — equipping you with high-level resources and unparalleled knowledge to understand how to best serve and empower the underserved.

We have identified professional organizations that provide fresh perspectives and resources to address issues ranging from cultural competence to supplier diversity, so DEI leaders like yourself have a place to share experiences and collaborate on solutions. This list includes regional and national associations and industry-specific groups.

To add a professional organization, please contact Senior Executive Media editors at editor@seniorexecutive.com.

See diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) professional organizations by category.

National DEI Organizations

Senior Executive DEI Think Tank
The Senior Executive DEI Think Tank is an invitation-only community for chief diversity officers and senior-level DEI leaders at organizations of 1,000+ employees. It’s an opportunity to connect, inspire, and grow in your discipline. See if you qualify today.

  • Membership Type: Individual
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: 25+
  • Application page

AnitaB.org offers a network for women and nonbinary people in tech. Its perks include member-only events, discounted salary negotiation reports, and access to a catalog of career coaches.

  • Membership Type: Premium Member/Premium Student
  • Membership Cost: $100/$50
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: Tech
  • Number of Members: 75,000
  • Application page

Board.org — DEI Board
Vendor-free, peer-to-peer organization creating communities for executives to collaborate. It also offers a DEI Board for leaders at big companies.

  • Membership Type: Corporate
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: Not Listed
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: 80+
  • Application page

CDO Collaborative
In addition to access to a team of advisors, CDO Collaborative offers quarterly conferences with partners, webinars, experience labs, and more.

  • Membership Type: CDO/DEI Team
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: 400+
  • Application page

CNBC Workforce Executive Council
The CNBC Councils offer in-person events that connect you with industry leaders in human resources. There are also ample opportunities to connect with journalists during roundtable and panel discussions.

  • Membership Type: CEO/CFO/Technology Executive/Workforce Executive
  • Membership Cost: $35,000-$60,000/$14,375/$8,000-$12,000/$6,800
  • Membership Length: 1-2 years
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: 100+
  • Application page

The Conference Board
The Conference Board is a curated think tank aimed at bringing global leaders together to share insights, ideate, and prepare for the future in their respective industries. Each year, it hosts several in-person and virtual events, including a DEI conference.

  • Membership Type: Council/Center
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: 40+
  • Application page

Non-profit empowering leading companies to achieve disability inclusion and equity. 

  • Membership Type: Corporate
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: Not Listed
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: 500+
  • Application page

HerCSuite — DEI Cross Organizational Council
Network of organizations and savvy women who are on a mission to advance more women during every career phase. The DEI Council is specifically for people who lead DEI, employee resource groups (ERGs), and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

  • Membership Type: Individual
  • Membership Cost: $997
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: Women in Industry
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

The International Leadership Association (ILA)
The International Leadership Association (ILA) is a global community made up of students, executives, and company representatives who want to become and help others become adept leaders. ILA also holds several events throughout the year, including a DEI virtual summit.

  • Membership Type: Students/Individuals/Organizations
  • Membership Cost: $130/$350/$625
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: 2,500+
  • Application page

Latino Corporate Directors Association
Network of Latinos who serve on publicly traded or large privately held company boards and C-level aspiring directors. It connects Latino directors with those aspiring to work at that level.

  • Membership Type: Director/Executive
  • Membership Cost: $1,000/Not Listed
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

National Association for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Interdisciplinary forum for convening equity, diversity, and inclusion leaders across sectors.

  • Membership Type: Corporate/Non-Profit/Individual
  • Membership Cost: $5,000/$2,500/$1,000 + $50 initial application fee
  • Membership Length: 1-2 years
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

National Diversity Council
The National Diversity Council is the nucleus of individual state councils across the nation. Find the diversity council in your state and join today to connect with like-minded DEI leaders near you.

  • Membership Type: Corporate/Individual
  • Membership Cost: Corporate-Not Listed/Individual-$149-$199
  • Membership Length: Annual
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: 500+
  • Application page: Individual members; Corporate members

National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC)
Non-profit organization dedicated to expanding economic opportunities and advancements for LGBTQ people.

  • Membership Type: Corporate
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: Not Listed
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC)
A non-profit organization working to advance veteran-owned businesses.

  • Membership Type: Corporate
  • Membership Cost: $7,500/$10,000/$20,000/$35,000/$50,000/$100,000
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

The Society for Diversity
General organization advocating for workplace inclusion, equity, and fairness for all.

  • Membership Type: Enterprise/Corporate/Group/Individual
  • Membership Cost: $50,000+/$12,500/$2,500/$173-$345
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: 1,000+
  • Application page

Regional DEI Organizations

One Houston Together

The Greater Houston Partnership’s board-level committee aims to reduce inequities in the business community/corporate talent pipeline.

  • Membership Type: Not Listed
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: Not Listed
  • Industry: Business – Houston
  • Number of Members: 900+ organizations
  • Application page

Partners in Diversity (Pacific Northwest)

An organization dedicated to DEI in the workforce by attracting, retaining, and developing diversity influencers and professionals of color through education and resources.

  • Membership Type: Silver/Gold/Platinum
  • Membership Cost: $1,000/$2,000/$4,000
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: General – Workforce
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

Talent, Inclusion, Engagement, and Diversity (TIED) Leadership Roundtable
A Colorado-based organization for DEI practitioners and HR professionals to develop solutions for their DEI efforts from equitable recruiting to leadership development initiatives. In addition to providing DEI resources for its members, TIED also hosts quarterly events and biennial symposiums.

  • Membership Type: Not Listed
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: Not Listed
  • Industry: General – Colorado
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

Triangle Diversity Equity and Inclusion Alliance

A coalition of business leaders focused on diversity and inclusion in business recruitment and retention, talent and workforce development, and job creation to make the Triangle region (Raleigh, NC) the most diverse and equitable business environment.

  • Membership Type: Pioneer/Trailblazer/Leader/Ally/Supporter
  • Membership Cost: $25,000/$10,000/$5,000/$2,500/$1,000
  • Membership Length: Not Listed
  • Industry: Business – Raleigh
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

Twin Cities Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Roundtable

An informal networking group of diversity practitioners from Midwest organizations that meets six times a year.

  • Membership Type: N/A
  • Membership Cost: Free
  • Membership Length: N/A
  • Industry: General – Midwest
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

Women’s Diversity Network

The Women’s Diversity Network (WDN) aims to connect women and gender-expansive people from varied backgrounds to come together, knowledge share, and drive change. In part, by hosting an annual summit. WDN also aims to help women and their families in the Long Island area by identifying and providing any services they may need.

  • Membership Type: Individuals/Organizations, Groups, and Businesses
  • Membership Cost: $65-$100/$100-$500
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: General
  • Number of Members: 50+
  • Application page

Senior Executive DEI Think Tank is a criteria-based membership community for chief diversity officers and senior-level DEI leaders at large organizations to share difference-making tactics, trade valuable resources, and seek the counsel of experienced peers in a private, confidential setting.

Do you qualify?

Industry-Specific DEI Organizations

American Association for Access Equity and Diversity

Non-profit membership advocacy organization for civil rights organizational professionals who work in diversity, equal opportunity, and affirmative action.

  • Membership Type: Institutional/Individual
  • Membership Cost: $350-$555/$25-$175
  • Membership Length: Not Listed
  • Industry: Civil Rights
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

CADIA (Center for Automotive Diversity, Inclusion & Advancement)

Forum for sharing diversity and inclusion best practices in the automotive industry for DEI champions from automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and supplier companies.

  • Membership Type: Corporate/DEI Roundtable/Professional/Individual
  • Membership Cost: $2,500-$25,000/$2,500/Not Listed/$249
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: Automotive
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

Diversity Study Group

An organization dedicated to DEI in the workplace across global shipping and maritime sectors.

  • Membership Type: Individual (Basic, Full, Associate)
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: Not Listed
  • Industry: Maritime
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education

Membership organization for chief diversity officers and diversity professionals in postsecondary education institutions.

  • Membership Type: Institutional/Professional/Individual
  • Membership Cost: $500-$1,250/$500/$50-$250
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Number of Members: 1,000
  • Application page

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s Diversity Advisory Council

Organization for hospice and palliative care dedicated to serving diverse populations and increasing access to healthcare services.

  • Membership Type: Hospice/Palliative/Associate
  • Membership Cost: $500/$149-$500/$2,000
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: Hospice/Palliative Care
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

Together Outdoors

A coalition of leaders from outdoor businesses who work to promote justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts across the outdoor industry.

  • Membership Type: Institutional
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: Not Listed
  • Industry: Outdoor Recreation
  • Number of Members: 100+
  • Application page

Supplier Diversity Organizations

Billion Dollar Roundtable

An organization for corporations that spend at least $1 billion with minority- and women-owned suppliers.

  • Membership Type: Not Listed
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: Not Listed
  • Industry: Business
  • Number of Members: 39 corporations
  • Application page: Not Listed, inducts new members biannually

Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC)
An organization advocating for inclusive supply chains, simplifying supplier diversity for corporate and government procurement organizations, and creating a link to a growing national network of certified Aboriginal- and minority-owned businesses.

  • Membership Type: Corporate/Government
  • Membership Cost: $2,500/$5,000/$10,000/$20,000
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: Supply
  • Number of Members: 100+
  • Application page

Minority Supplier Development United Kingdom (MSDUK)
An organization creating equal opportunities for ethnic minority-owned businesses and establishing fairer, equitable economies across the UK and Europe.

  • Membership Type: Regular/Charter
  • Membership Cost: $8,887/$15,236
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: Supply
  • Number of Members: 100+
  • Application page

National Minority Supplier Development Council

Organization for supplier diversity managers that offers MBE certification and corporate memberships.

  • Membership Type: Corporate
  • Membership Cost: $9,000-$38,000
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: Supply
  • Number of Members: 200+
  • Application page

Northwest Mountain Minority Supplier Development Council (NWMMSDC)
Non-profit organization certifying, developing, and connecting Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) with major corporations and public agencies.

  • Membership Type: Corporate/Non-profit
  • Membership Cost: Not Listed
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: Supply
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

U.S. Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce (USPAACC)
Non-profit organization providing professional and educational opportunities to Asian Americans and their partners in Fortune 1000 corporations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the minority-owned business community.

  • Membership Type: Corporate/Non-profit/Government/Asian and other minority
  • Membership Cost: $10,000-$18,000/Not Listed/Not Listed/$200-Not Listed
  • Membership Length: Not Listed
  • Industry: Supply
  • Number of Members: Not Listed
  • Application page

Women’s Business Enterprise National Council

Set the national agenda for Women’s Business Enterprises, an organization that’s the largest third-party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the U.S. and advocates for women-owned businesses in corporate and government supply chains. Gain access to supplier diversity resources and a database for procurement needs.

  • Membership Type: Corporate
  • Membership Cost: $6,500-$31,000
  • Membership Length: 1 year
  • Industry: Supply
  • Number of Members: 350+ corporations and government entities
  • Application page

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